We had Adam and Brook home right after Thanksgiving and along with Abbey and Dave, we got the season off to a good start by heading over to Seattle for the Tree Lighting. The whole event was actually pretty weak this year (they lost their sound system...so we watched Santa do hand signals), but none-the-less, we had a great time as always with the kids.
On December 12th we hosted the Annual Lone Rock Chapel Christmas Gala. This gives our Church family an opportunity to dress up and share in some awesome festivities. It also gives Mike the added incent
ive to make sure the Christmas Lights are ready to go on the house.
This past weekend, like much of the Pacific Northwest, we were hammered by snow. Depending on whose measurement you are looking at, we received anywhere between 8" and 12" of the powdery (yes powder!) white stuff. It pretty much kept us home for most of Saturday and all day Sunday, but we were able to get the Tahoe down the driveway so Julie could head into work today. With Bailey's assistance - guiding him up the treacherous staircase to his office above the garage - Mike also made it to work without any delays.

So now Christmas is just around the corner and we're hoping the snow clears by the time we have to trek down to Rose Valley to spend Christmas Eve and Vespers with Julie's side of the family.
Mike's dad, along with Abbey and Dave (Adam and Brook will be meeting up with us in Rose Valley) will be joining us here in Seabeck on Christmas Day.
If we don't get the chance to say it personally, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas! And may God grant you all, peace and a joyous New Year!