Saturday, July 10, 2010

Introducing Greyson Isaac St. Clair

Julie and I are EXTREMELY pleased to introduce you to our newest
member of the family - Greyson Isaac St. Clair. Greyson came into the
world on July 8th at 3:55 PM and weighed in at 6 lbs. 5 oz. and was
18-inches long.
Abbey, Dave and Greyson are all doing fine (as evidence of their beaming
smiles above) and were heading home Saturday afternoon.

They may have booted the moms out of the room for delivery,
but that didn't stop them from making sure they knew what
was going on!

Grammy was rather pleased with her new grandson.

There will be several more pictures coming over the next
couple of days. but my trigger finger is a little sore!