Our portion of two day rental for vacation house - $128.00
Dinner at The Snake Pit - $24.95
A weekend with 8 great friends and surviving a 62-mile bike ride - PRICELESS!
You probably can figure this one out, but if not, Julie and I trekked across the state last weekend along with Abbey and Dave, Mike and Mardell Ryan, Dave and Dawn Boyle and Rob and Heidi Zylstra and participated in a 62-mile bike ride on the Trail of the Coeur d' Alenes. If you are interested at all in biking and haven't done this trail yet, we highly recommend it. First, because it is paved, second, because you have several options of great segments to ride and third (and most importantly) because it is flat!
We found a great vacation rental house in Smeltersville that accommodated all of us, a quaint place to eat in The Snake Pit and because Julie and I (along with a couple of other riders) were lagging behind at the end of the ride - we just missed seeing a Moose (actually a couple of them but I wasn't quite sure what the plural of Moose is - I'm thinking Meece!).
There were some in our group that were far enough ahead of certain ones, that said they saw them, but there was no picture evidence and so my story is - if I didn't see it, no one saw it!
It was a great weekend and I'm sure we'll try it again sometime!
Dinner at The Snake Pit! (from L to R) Mardell,
Mike, Abbey, Dave, Dawn
Dave, Julie, Mike, Rob and Heidi
The House on Happy Trails in Smeltersville.
This is at the start of our ride, so that's why
everyone is smiling!
No, this isn't one of our bikes stuck up in the trees.
Julie and Dawn still looking fresh!
The infamous Snake Pit.
The Hot Tub was a popular gathering spot for
the ladies!