Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tri-Turtle Triathalon 2009

Julie participated in the 2009 Tri-Turtle Triathalon
this morning, her second triathalon this year. She finished
with a time of 1:55:35, which was three minutes
better than she did last year! She was sixth in her age
group (45-54) and 75 overall (out of 300).

A see of bodies takes off for the 2009 Tri-Turtle.
The men (green caps) and fast women (yes fast-women),
went first, followed by the ladies three minutes
later (pink caps) was a half-mile swim.

None of the pictures will really be flattering (you swim
a half-mile and then run up to your bike and see how
good you look!)...but Julie is out of the lake and on
her way up to the transition stage.

She had a really quick transition from the swim to the
bike and is heading out to the road course.

At the start of a 15.6 mile bike ride, just a nice little
ride through the country side of Holly and Seabeck.
Think you want to do this? One of the very first
riders was hit by a car in today's event. Ambulances
and medics were on the scene by the time Julie got there.

Finishing safe and sound is alway a good feeling!

But then you get to transition from the bike ride,
to a 5K run, so off she goes for the final leg.

Crossing the finish line in a Tri-Turtle career best

This was our happy group (happy that they were
done!)...from left to right: Heidi Zylstra, Mardell
Ryan, Dave Boyle (an official Tri-Babe now that he
is done), Dawn Boyle and Julie.

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