Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

So, we almost made it 6-months without
posting (we see how many days we've gone
without updating everytime we check Adam
and Brook's blog), but a major holiday, a
couple of birthday's and a new camera made
it darn-near impossible to not let you know
what went on Mother's Day weekend!
Adam, Brook and Michaela came up on Thursday
and Adam and I went to the Mariner's game for
my birthday. We then proceeded to celebrate
Mother's Day and Abbey's 30th birthday.

Junior taking a swing, unfortunately
the ball is in the catcher's mitt!

There is one sure-fire way to
brighten up Julie's to
guess what that might be???

Badmitton heckling from the cheap seats

Brook shows off her badmitton
skills (notice the line-drive release).

The rocking horse gets it's first
rider with assistance from Grammy!

Aunt Abbey and Michaela enjoy
her (Michaela's) first ferry ride.

Saturday we headed to the Woodland
Park Zoo. We're sure at this point in the
stroll, Abbey and Dave were getting
looks of "...and what were you thinking?"

Merkats - the main attraction!

At this point Michaela wasn't sure if
the Zoo was all that it was made out
to be!

30-years old and she still has plenty
of wind.

Abbey in her rocking chair from Mom
and Dad.

Since all of the Mother's Day and Birthday gifts
were handed out on Saturday, the only thing left
(other than Church) to do on Sunday was the
Birthday Dance Party!

Grammy gets her final Michaela
holding time in prior to the family
heading back to Oregon.

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